Planning Safe Research

Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) supports our research community to create a safe and healthy place to work and learn. These resources are available to help principal investigators (PI), lab supervisors and researchers plan for safety early in the experiment design phase. Time must be taken to:

  • Evaluate and understand the hazards and risks of the operations and equipment involved in the research.
  • Understand the safety requirements associated with activities being performed.
  • Ensure that all aspects of having a safe operation, including appropriate training, personal protective equipment, engineering controls, approvals, and standard operating procedures are in place from the start of the activities.

As PI or Lab Manager, actions and activities occurring in space under your control are your responsibility. Due to this, fostering and maintaining a safe operational environment is important to make the safety of everyone who accesses your laboratory spaces.

Safety is a core institutional value that is ingrained in everything we do from academics to research and creative practice. We must be diligent in observing Institute safety guidelines at all campus locations while continuing to provide a high quality education. 

Please review the resources provided below to learn more about how you can take part in the Institutes safe research initiatives. 

Lab Commissioning, New Research and Equipment and Space Changes

Learn more about Institute initiatives that can be started early in the research design process through working with EHS to ensure safety, compliance, and a more streamlined implementation for commissioning new laboratories, space changes within a currently used laboratory, new research and equipment. 

Laboratory Decommissioning

Learn more about Institute decommissioning initiatives to ensure the health and safety of building occupants, compliance, and to ensure the space can be readily utilized by new research in the near future. 

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