Campus-Wide Laser Safety Audit March 11-15

Attention all laser lab supervisors and laser users! Environmental Health and Safety will be partnering with Kentek, a laser safety company, to conduct a campus-wide laser safety audit of all class 3b and 4 lasers

This comprehensive audit will have a team of laser safety professionals enter and inspect every laser lab on campus. A search for unregistered lasers will also be conducted. During the audit inspectors will: 
1.    Update/verify existing laser inventory
2.    Review training records for laser users
3.    Review written SOPs for all class 4 lasers
4.    Perform detailed hazard analysis calculations and reports
5.    Perform a hazard evaluation survey of each work area
      •    Review work areas for beam and non-beam hazards
      •    Determine protective equipment such as eyewear, barriers or curtains, window blocks
      •    Ensure proper entryway controls (if applicable) are in place including proper laser signage
Item listed above are important components of a campus laser safety program. Inventories, training records, and control measures are also required to comply with federal and state regulations. 

What should I do to prepare for the audit?

  1. Registry: Ensure all 3b/4 lasers are registered with EHS. Please open the Laser Registry and verify the information for your lasers is up to date. If information is missing or inaccurate the box file can be edited directly. If you have difficulty updating the BOX email the Laser Safety Officer (LSO) with corrections.
  2. Signs and Postings: Verify required signs and postings are up to date. This includes the Laser Controlled Area (LCA) sign as well as the Hazard Assessment Signage Program (HASP) sign. Please visit the HASP and Laser Safety pages for instructions on how to create HASP and LCA signs.
  3. Training records: All laser users of 3b and 4 lasers are required to complete online laser safety training. Please have copies of training records readily available in the lab. Alternately, provide an up-to-date list of laser lab users. This list will be checked against a completed training report by the LSO. Please use the Accessing Required Modules in Percipio instructions on how to complete training or locate your training certificates.
  4. Written Procedures: All class 3b and class 4 laser require written Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to be developed. These procedures should outline safety protocols for normal operation of the laser, as well as alignments and service if applicable. Have a copy of your SOPs readily available in the lab during the week of the audit. If you do NOT have written procedures assistance in developing them will be provided following the audit.

For more information on Rensselaer’s laser safety program check out the EHS Laser Safety page.

Please contact Ginger Caravalho, Radiation and Laser Safety Officer with any questions.

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